Monday 14 March 2011

Welcome to our Instructional Designer

Work is progressing very well on the e-LPRAS project. In a couple of weeks Stephen Gibbons starts work full-time as our Instructional Designer. Steve has a background in education and e-learning. He has been working with other e-Learning for Healthcare projects over the past few years but will be concentrating on the plastic surgery project from now on. I shall be relying on his wealth of experience to keep all of us in line!

I am enormously grateful to the authors who have taken on some of the work and are beavering away on their sessions. The first one has already been returned to me, which is excellent because it means that Steve will have plenty of work line up when he starts.

If you have not yet volunteered to help please get in touch and I would be delighted to explain what we need.

 Best wishes!