Tuesday 7 January 2014

Happy New Year!

The New Year is off to a good start here at e-LPRAS Towers. Sessions continue to go live with Module 1 virtually complete and Module 2 fully allocated and content from all modules coming back to us on a daily basis. Thank you to everyone who has contributed!

I am pleased to report that BAPRAS has authorised an increase in the amount of time that I am allocated to the project, which will really help with moving forwards some of the sessions that have been returned but are awaiting my review. Currently there is an 11 month  backlog but I hope to reduce that to 6 months within the next few weeks. This has partly been facilitated by grants totalling £100K received from Health Education England during the last few weeks.

We are at the stage now where we are looking to allocate new sessions to authors. So if you would like to pick something up, please get in touch. All of the generic sessions have been written but there are plenty of site specific sessions and burns topics. These modules are:

  • Head and neck
  • Breast and chest wall
  • Upper limb
  • Lower trunk
  • Lower Limb
  • Burns
Please send an email to elpras.project@googlemail.com if you would like to start writing something now. Your deadline would be March 2014 so please make sure that you have the time to dedicate to the project. If not please don't volunteer but wait until you have more time. The project still has a few years to run!

Equally, if you have any colleagues who would like to get involved, tell them to email me. If every plastic surgeon in the UK wrote 2 sessions the project would be finished!

Best wishes for 2014!